My highschool career

By andyped
  • First Day of Highschool

    My first day of highschool was just like any other day. The only difference was that it had more paper work for my parents and I to sign.
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    Highschool years

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    Snowbird Christian Camp

    This week was a great spiritual time. There was also lots of fellowship where I made new friends from several different states. I learned more about Jesus and his teachings during this time.
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    CIT at Woodruff

    This was my first year working at Woodruff. Over the course of this stay I worked at the aquatics area as a lifeguard, the handicraft lodge, and the Davin Inn. I learned new skills and several certifications.
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    Woodruff Camp Staff

    I worked as an archery instructor at a shooting range for four weeks. I met a lot of new people and had fun teaching about shooting and safety.
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    Eagle Project

    Over these four weeks I had people come out to the site of my eagle project where we constructed beaches and informational sign posts. This was a leadership project and it was a lot of work doing all the event planning.
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    Senior Project

    Working on my product was a fun learning experience. I also had fun giving my presentaion and answering any questions people had for me on it.
  • Eagle Scout Court of Honor

    House Resolution 1149 On this day I recieved the prestigous award of Eagle Scout. I was given letters and congratulations from NASA, U.S. Congress, and the U.S. President. I also recived a resolution that was passed through both houses of the Georgia State Congress.
  • 18th Birthday

    Now a legal adult. I have the ability to vote and serve on a jury. Nothing else special about it.
  • Graduation Day

    This day is special because I am officially fiinshed with highschool and can go on to start my college career.