Where I'm From Poem.
Where im FromRead my link. -
First Day of High School.
I started at Wheeler High School with all my friends and i was very excited ! -
Moving to Etowah High School.
I was very nervous to change High Schools and start new friendships. -
Watched the movie The Hunger Games.
After reading the book in class, our teachers decided to have a "field trip" and most of the 9th grade class went to watch this movie. -
Disney Field Trip.
I was very lucky i had the chance to go to this Field Trip with my Video Production Class. It was alot of fun, made new friends and learned many interesting things from it. -
Soccer tryouts.
I decided to try out for the Etowah Soccer team during my sophmore year, it was a very exhausting week for all the players but it was fun because i got to meet many new people. Unfortunately i did not make it to the team. -
First day of my Senior Year.
I was waiting for this day for a long time and it finally came. I was very excited but nervous at the same time knowing that it was going to be my "first" last day in High School. -
First day working on Senior Project.
I was very nervous on my first day, but me and my student had a great connection so i knew my project was going to be a succes. -
Stand & Deliver Presentation
The day of presenting my Senior Project has come, i was a little nervous but very confident of what i had to say. It ended up pretty well and i was very happy about it. -
Final Senior Project Presentation.
The final presentation day has come and i was very confident of what i had to say. I ended up with a good grade and i was very happy about it. -