My Hero (My Mom)

  • Date of Birth

    Was born in Guanajuato, Mexico
  • Moved to the U.S. at the age of 10

    Crossed the border into the U.S. with her family to start a new and better life.
  • First day of school in the U.S.

    Attended Emerson Elementary in Long Beach, California
    Learned the basics of English in her ELD class.
  • Started middle school

    Attended Demill Middle School in Long beach, California
    - She met her life long friends here
  • Started High School

    Attended Lakewood High School
    -She is now fluent in English
  • Went to college at LBCC

    Was only here for 2 years.
    Completed her AA here.
  • Moved to Texas

    Once accepted into Nursing School at LBCC had to move to Texas with family
  • Came back to the U.S.

    Came back to LBCC in the fall. Took more Nursing Prerequisites that were added.
  • Got accepted into a Nursing Program

    Was in the program from 1994-1996
  • Graduated from LBCC's Nursing Program

  • Passed her Board Exam

    Officially an RN
  • Started working full time as an RN

    Worked at St.Mary's Medical Center in Long Beach, California. Worked here until 2000
  • Went back to school to Dominguez Hills

    Was here for 4 years to get her BSN
  • Got married

    Married my dad
  • Started working at an Urgent Care

    Hubert H. Humpries Comprehensive Health Center. Job title: Clinic Nurse II
  • Had her first born, me

  • Graduated from Dominguez Hills

    Got her BSN finally. Took this long in school because she only took 6 units at a time since she worked full time at the hospital.
  • Started working at Whittier Health Clinic

    Worked here as a Public Health Nurse. Worked as this job title until 2011
  • Had my sister, Marisa

  • Had my sister, Alyssa

  • Still at Whittier Health Clinic

    Community Liaison Public Health Nurse. This job title until 2018
  • Had her last daughter, Annalisa

  • New Job Title

    Now a Public Health Nursing Supervisor at Curtis Tucker Health Center.
  • New work location

    Community Liasion Public Health Supervisor at East LA Health Center. Currently still works here.