My life
I was born on the day that all the lords were born -
My life
When i was 6 i had a rabbit called pepillo -
My life
At the 7 years i had surgery on the appendix -
My life
At age 8 i got my power rangers party , and i dressed in the blue ranger -
My life
As the blue power rangers was my favorite, they gave me one the next month , i still have that doll -
My life
At age 9 i fractured my ankle -
My life
At the age of ten they gave me my dog (terry), terry still lives , is a brown boxer -
My life
At eleven years was the last time that the magi gave me gifts -
My life
Three months later i had my first horse which was the cross of other horses of my older brother -
My life
Aand only a month later i had my first hallucination because of a very high fever -
My life
As in the middle of the twelve years it was my first fall of a horse , luckily it was only the blow -
My life
Four months later i had an accident on a motorcycle and i opened my head -
My life
Walking barefoot i buried a nail in the palm of my left foot and i still have a big mark -
My life
Before the end of the year 2012 was born the first layer of my dog (Terry) -
My life
At the age of thirteen my horse had already grown and a baby had already been born, my horse called Mike -
My life
Before turning 14, was for the first time hunting -
My life
At 14 had another rabbit to call him Gabriel -
My life
Three weeks later he escaped from his cage and terry ate it -
My life
They bought the Terry couple who christened her as Martha -
My life
At 15 am to the prepa (UPAEP) where I met my friends ( Georgi, Maury, Kev Josh, Gordi Vélez, Nano etc) -
My life
Trip with my friends to veracruz , it was one of the best weekends I've spent