Period: to
For a hundred years dictators ruled the nation. -
The First Protest
Period: to
The Civil War
It began with protest against the government. Two sides were formed: those that were for the dictatorship and those that were against dictatorship. War broke out. Ended with the against dictatorship side losing. -
Someone Shot Dictator
At this point the Civil War became more violent. The side for dictatorship scrambled to find new dictator. -
Period: to
New Dictator
The new dictator was more lenient and secretly on the republic side. He put into action allowing the people to have more choice. -
The Government Pushes Back
The government did not appreciate the new dictator. They tried to remove his power but failed. -
The Dictatorship Fell
With the help of the lenient dictator, the dictatorship fell. -
Republican Meeting
The leaders that were against the dictatorship met together to speak about the new government. -
A Bill of Rights Was Created
The leadership came together to make a list of 10 civil rights/liberties. -
The Elections
A leader, president, and other representatives were elected by people all over the nation. -
The Establishment
The Republic was firmly established and lived on...