My Government

  • New Government Begins

    After political parties drove the country down a bad road, a new government was put in place to eliminate the parties and allow individuals to vote based on complete preference instead of an alignment.
  • Opposition

    At first, the public did not take well to the change in government. Parties formed on their own volition formed to oppose the change, which the new government tried to keep on the low.
  • Gaining Better Reputation

    After a little bit of time, the public became more tolerant of the idea of no political parties existing, seeing some progression in terms of politics instead of solely being set back.
  • Slowly Growing

    As less people opposed the new form of government, more policies were put into place and those who wanted to rise in power listened to these policies as the nation started to become less of a warzone.
  • Fully Stabilized

    By this time, the system had become fully realized, and almost all of the public had accepted the fate of the country. There was less fights over those who were elected in, as it was the votes of everyone who determined those in power.