My Government

  • World Catastrophe

    In the year 2016, the world as we know now ended. Our government failed and the people were all lost.
  • The New Beginning

    The people gathered and voted for the strongest and smartest top 4 people to control and organize for a new lifestyle.
  • Election Day

    4 people were inducted after completing a months worth of vigorous physical and mental challenges. These people were a combination of one smart woman and one smart man, and one strong woman and one strong man. Now known as The Cuatro
  • The Villagers

    A group of people retaliated against The Cuatro, causing an uproar for a direct democracy.
  • The End of the Uproar

    After a year long retaliation from the Villagers, the Cuatro was able to sustain a representative government, and regain balance of the community.
  • 10 Year Soliditary

    10 years after the world catastrophe, and five years after the end of the villagers, the community and government has been able to maintain its solid stability being lead by The Cuatros.