My Goals Andre

By andmaa1
  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born in lynchberg virginia
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Graduated Elementary School
    I graduated From Devonshire Elementary School
  • Graduated Middle School

    Graduated Middle School
    Graduated From Old Orchard Junior High School
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    Graduated from NIles North HIgh School
  • Go To College

    Go To College
    Go to University of Illionios in Chicago
  • Aquired Pharm. D. Degree

    Aquired Pharm. D. Degree
    completed all my college and earned my degree and cerification to become a pharmacist.
  • Become a Pharmacist

    Become a Pharmacist
    Finally aquired a good paying job at a pharmacy.
  • I got married

    I got married
    I got married to my beautiful wife, and now we can enjoy our honeymoon
  • Retired

    I retired from my job and now I can live peacfully with my wife
  • Bought A house on an island

    Bought A house on an island
    I bought a house with my wife on a beautiful island and now we can enjoy the rest of our lives without worries