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My goals 2016

  • Goodbye school

    Goodbye school
    This day I will go on vacations, and I'm going out with my friends.
  • Party

    we will organize a party with my classmates to raise money for the Saint Joseph´s day
  • Soccer

    I will train with a soccer team called "sawfish"
  • Georgina´s party

    Georgina´s party
    With my friends we will prepare a surprise party for my best friend Georgina
  • Javier´s Graduation

    Javier´s Graduation
    I will go to my friend 's graduation in a hotel, and we will dance a lot with our friends
  • Beach day

    Beach day
    I will go to the beach with my best friends
  • Christmas

    I'm going to celebrate holidays with my family
  • New Year

    New Year
    I'm going to celebrate new year with all my family at the beach