Gulf War (George H.W Bush)
Iraqi military forces invaded Kuwait. We only helped because we needed their resources. On May, 1st Bush declared victory in Iraq. -
End of Cold War (George H.W Bush)
The Soviet Union came under new control, Gorbachev wanted to end The Cold War and fix their economy so he made an agreement with The United States. That helped ease tensions between United States and The Soviets, therefore causing the end of The Cold War. -
First 3D Game (Potpourii)
The first complete 3d game 'Quake' was release. It sent shockwaves through the gaming industry and the many great mods were made of this including 'Half Life'. Although this may not be important news, it still was something new I guess -
First Touch Screen Phone (Pop Culture)
The first touchscreen phone was the IBM Simon.During this time, pular iPaq was launched with touchscreens and optional phone attachments. -
OJ Simpson Case (Potpourii)
A widely-viewed police chase occurs as police attempt to track down a possible suspect for the brutal murders of two people. To this day, no one has been convicted of the crime, but strong clues point to the ex-football player O.J. -
Death of Princess Diana (Pop Culture)
She died from the injuries of a car sccident in Paris. Tje driver was pronounced dead at the scene. It was said that the cause of the accident was reckless drunk driving but Mohamed Al-Fayed believes it was planned. -
Lewinsky-Gate (Bill Clinton)
It was a politcal sex scandal in January 1998. sexual relationships betwwen the united states president Bill Clinton and a 22 year old white house intern Monica Lewinsky. The scandal was out by a friend of Monica who was recording all the phone converstaions between her and Monica that they had about monica having an affair wiht the us president. -
Columbine Shooting (Potpourii)
The Columbine Massacre Two angry high school students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, kill eleven students and one teacher and injure twenty-four by bombs and bullets before turning their guns on themselves. Their motive behind the incident was to show the world how they felt. -
Impeachment (Bill Clinton)
Bill Clinton the 42nd president was impeached by the house of reprensentatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice. on feb 12, 1999 Clinton was acquitteed by the senate with 2/3 majority he was only 17 votes shy of being removed from office but luckly he got saved by a landslide. -
Budget Negotiations (Bill Clinton)
In 1994 the econmy had the lowest comination of unemployment and inflataion in 25 years.Clinton signed a law that the largest deficit reduction in history. resulting over $600 billin in deficit reduction. . The federal budget for year 2000 is the largest in U.S. history. The $5.7 trillion national debt was reduced by $360 billion in three years and $223 billion in one year alone -
2001 Election (George Bush)
George Bush ran for president against Gore, and won. It was a contraveral election because the votes were so close it was up to Florida to decide. -
Disney Channel (Pop Culture)
At this time Disney Channel was launching new shows like Lizzie Mcguire and Kim Possible which made it all the successful. It really made a difference in kids lives. -
Raising Taxes (George H.W Bush)
He promised he would not raise taxes but he went against his word and did so anyway. Peopole were upset with him and he lost their trust. He did it because of our debt with foreign countries, in the end it helped us. -
Axis of Evil (George Bush)
The Axis of Evil were countries that Bush describes as having weapons of mass destruction and were associated with helping terrorism. -
Invasion of Iraq (George Bush)
He said there was evidence of WMDs, and although it wasnt known that there was he wsaid he would invade iraq either way. It was believed he did it for revenge because of 9/11.