My Future

  • Graduated From Elementary School

    Elementary School Grad
  • Started High School

    Started Eastdale High School
  • Learning skills

    I need to leearn to listen and learn also do my job without getting distracted.
  • Communtiy Service Hours

    Pet Shelter, Hospitals, YMCA, Schools.
  • Required Grade 11 Courses

    Math, Enlgish, Cooking, Science, Hospitality and Tourism.
  • Co-op Places That You Can Take

    Any resturant
  • Required Grade 12 Courses

    English, Cooking, Math, Science, Hospitality and Tourism.
  • Internal/ External Influences

    Money, family, friends, future.
  • Plan after high school

    Take a year off and maybe get a job.
  • School i would like to go to

    Niagara college
  • Where i'd like to work

    In a resturant
  • Family

    Id like a wife and a kid or two
  • Values

    Money, family, friends, games.