My First Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on this day! I don't remember a thing. We still celebrate it every year.
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten on this day. Mrs. Brown's morning class. Yep.
  • First Day of Middle School

    This was the beginning of the worst 3 years of my life...until I got to high school :P
  • Started High School

    Started a new school, Mayo High School, to be exact!
  • Graduated High School!

    High school graduate!
  • Bought my first car

    2000 Pontiac Grand Prix. Should have waited and got a car that ran better, but I wanted my own car SO BAD.
  • New Car!

    I got a new car on this day. Well, it was new to me, anyways! 2002 Ford Tarurus. Nice deal.
  • Got a trick played on me this morning

    One of my friends posted on her facebook that she was engaged to her boyfriend! This came as a shock, since they've always said marriage was not for them. Turns out, they didn't change their mind, they were just playing an April Fool's joke! It was funny to see how many people actually believed the stunt, including me!