My Grandma from my mom side got married at twelve around the 1950's
Resources:Mom and Grandma -
Leaving my dad behind
My grandpa from my dads side immigrated to the u.s in around 1966 my dad was about three/four. My grandpa had to immigrate with half of the family he took the youngest my dad was however not one of the "youngest" so he had to stay there.
Resources:Dad and Grandpa -
My mom met my dad beause of her cousins.
Resources:My mom -
My Grandma
My Grandma immigrated to the U.S.
Resources:My Mom and Grandma -
My dads came to the U.S. to get money to go back to Mexico get my mom and sister to bring them to the U.S.
Resource:Dad -
My mom, dad and older sister immigrated to the U.S.