Brady's Adventure Through Life

  • I Was Born Near Detroit, Michigan

    I Was Born Near Detroit, Michigan
  • The King born in Detroit

    The King born in Detroit
    I was born just after midnight on March 3.
  • Moved to Byron Center at 1 years old

    Moved to Byron Center at 1 years old
    We left Southfield and headed for a new town in Byron Center.
  • At 2 I started to love eating and still do.

    At 2 I started to love eating and still do.
    My mom said I wouldn't eat at first when I was little but I started to love to snack a lot.
  • At 3 I began to be interested in tattoos

    At 3 I began to be interested in tattoos
    I looked very sad in the picture tho.
  • At 4 I started to enjoy golf.

    At 4 I started to enjoy golf.
    Look at that absolute stud just made a hole-in-one!
  • At 5 I finally started school.

    At 5 I finally started school.
    My first day of kindergarten with my mom!
  • I loved to sleep when I was 6

    I loved to sleep when I was 6
    Sleep turned into a good thing after I started to go to school.
    My eyelashes are long then woah
  • Osama Bin Laden the ringleader of 9/11 was killed by US soldiers

     Osama Bin Laden the ringleader of 9/11 was killed by US soldiers
    This was very crazy I remember a lotta people talking about it.
  • At 7 I decided to take a big jump

    At 7 I decided to take a big jump
    It was so snowy that it didn't hurt to jump.
  • I visited Legoland at 8

    I visited Legoland at 8
    Every kid loves legos I mean come on.
  • At 9 I got my first puppy

    At 9 I got my first puppy
    Her name is Harper and she's so sweet.
  • Took my first trip to Niagara Falls at 10

    Took my first trip to Niagara Falls at 10
    I wanted to go off the top in a barrel but my mom said no.
  • At the lake kayaking for the first time at 11.

    At the lake kayaking for the first time at 11.
    This is my first time up north at a lake.
  • Harambe the Gorilla was shot and killed.

    Harambe the Gorilla was shot and killed.
    RIP Harambe.
  • At 12 my first travel baseball tournament win

    At 12 my first travel baseball tournament win
    My jersey was just a little big.
  • At 13 I visited my first Michigan game at the Big House

    At 13 I visited my first Michigan game at the Big House
    I was rooting for western though.
  • Stand up paddle boarding at the lake at 14

    Stand up paddle boarding at the lake at 14
    I lost my sunglasses at the bottom of the lake trying to do this.
  • I got covid at 15

    I got covid at 15
    This is I guess all I remember from when I was 15
  • Me and my brother took a trip to sleeping bear dunes to hike

    Me and my brother took a trip to sleeping bear dunes to hike
    I hate walking but when we end up at a lake it's pretty nice
  • At 17 got my first tattoo

    At 17 got my first tattoo
    It didn't hurt too bad but now I want more so that's great.
  • Ye and Kim split up

    Ye and Kim split up
    So she's single now.