My family timeline

  • My grandfather

    My grandfather
    This is my grandfather from my mother`s family. It was called Fabio Sigifredo Hernandez Leal. He was older than my grandmother.
  • My grandfather

    My grandfather
    This is my grandfather from my father`s family. It was called Adolfo Hitler Concha Daza. He was taller than my dad.
  • My grandmother

    My grandmother
    This is my grandmother from my father`s family. It was called Maria Ofir Velasco. She was as short as my dad.
  • My grandmother

    My grandmother
    This is my grandmother from my mother`s family. Her name is Maria Otilia Isaza Cardona. She has brown skin.
  • My mother

    My mother
    This is my mother, Her name is Maria Ines Hernandez Isaza. She has curly hair like me.
  • My father

    My father
    This is my father. His name is Fernando Concha Velasco. He has clearer eyes than my mom.
  • My brother

    My brother
    This is my brother. His name is Jose Daniel Isaza Hernandez.He is the most intelligent.
  • My brother

    My brother
    This is my brother. His name is Diego Mauricio Valencia Hernandez. He is the funniest.
  • Me

    This is me. I am Laura Sofia Concha Hernandez. I am the most nice in the house.
  • My sister

    My sister
    This is my sister. Her name is Sara Maria Concha Hernandez. She has longer hair than my mom`s.