Her name is Gloria last name is Rivera Sanchez, She is 69 years old. She is my dad's mother my Grandmother is Small, she is white, her hair is black and wavy, she was born december
twenty-eight 1950 in Palmira Valle. She is funnier than my father, she is the best cooking. she is take care of me and
I live alone with her. -
His name is Guillermo, last name is Benitez Rivera, He have 49 years old. My father is tall, he is white, his hair is wavy and blond. He was born august one first 1970 in Miranda Cauca. Guillermo is more organized than my mother, he is the best father in wolrd.Guillermo is very responsability. -
His name is Hector Armando last name is Benitez Rivera, He has 47 years old, My uncle is tall, he is white,his hair is black and straight, he is a Mechanic, he was born in Miranda, but he lives in Cali long years ago, he is fatter than my dad, he has two children, he is the funniest. -
Her name is Sandra Milena last name is Maya Largo. She have 39 years old; My mother is tall, she is white, her hair is black and straight, she was born october four 2019 in Quinchia Risaralda, Milena is whiter than granmother. Milena is humblest. she is very servicial with poople. -
She is my aunt.Her name is maria benitez, she is medium height. She is frizzy, short and black hair. She is brunette.She is more sensitive than me. She is the best aunt of the family.
She is happy and have five children. -
His name is David, his last name is Mosquera Benitez, he is 23 years old. My cousin is tall, he is black, his hair is curly and black. He is an engineering student, he was born in Miranda. David is calmer than my uncle, he is the most intelligent, David has a beautiful smile. -
His name is Hector Andres, his last name is Benitez Silva, he is 23 years old. My cousin is tall, he is
brown,his hair is straight and black. He is an administration student, he was born in cali. Hector is more
partying than oscar, he is the funniest.Hector like dance. -
His name is Oscar Fernando, his last name is Benitez Silva, he is 21 years old. My cousin is tall, he is color white,his hair is straight and brown. is an administration in the health student, he was born in cali. oscar is more responsible than hector. oscar is the most loving. Oscar like movies. -
Her name is Nataly last name is Mosquera Benitez, she is my only and favorite cousin.
she odontology studies in university the cali , she like dance. she has curly and black hair. she is smaller than my sister, she is the most comprensive.
she like to listen music and is aunt -
My name is Alejandra, my last name is Benítez Maya, I am 18 years old. I am tall, i am color white, my hair is straight and blond. I was born in Manizales Caldas. My dream is to be a teacher, my sister is
More brunette than me, I am the thinnest in the family.
I do not like my first name. -
Her name is Johana last name is Benitez Maya, She is 16 years old. Mi sister is small, she is brunette, her hair is black and frizzy. She was born february twenty six 2003 in Cali. Johana is angrier than me. Johana is the creativest with the paint and the photografic . she the like to music.play guitar, the low and ukulele.