My father
He is Hernan, is 56 years old. My father is kind, friendly,funny, intelligent, happy and gentil. He medium and brown. He has short, straight and black hair.
My father is the oldest of the family. -
My mom
She is Susana, is 46 years old. She is beautiful, intelligent, very organized, creative and gentil. She and my brother Cristian are the most important for me. My mother is tall, white. Her hair is short, curly and black. she loves animals and painting pictures. -
My brother
He is Jhon, is 28 years old. He intelligent, friendly,very crazy, honest, jealous, gentil and funny. My brother is tall an white, his hair is short, wavy and black. He is the funniest of the family.
He is my older brohter and he is nicolas's father. -
my brother
He is jeison, is 25 years old, he is very intelligent, thin and gentil. He is angrier than cristian. He is disciplined, responsible and nice. My brother is tall and brown. His hair is short, wavy and black. My brother is a nurse and works at the hospital San Juan de Dios. -
My brother
He is Cristian, he is 20 years old, he is intelligent, athletic, thin, gentil, honest, crazy and funny. He is brown, is the tallest of the family, he has short, straight and black hair. My brother studies degree in physical education at the University of Quindio and is a coach of a football school. -
My name is Maria Fernanda, i am 17 years old. I am gentil, happy, beautiful, intelligent and kind. I am small, thin and brown. My hair is long, wavy and black.
I study in Normal Superior del Quindio school, n first semester
I am is Nicolas's aunt. -
My pet Lola
My pet is called Lola, is 9 years old.Is medium short, wavy and white hair. Lola is small and white.is beautiful, very affectionate,very friendly, happy and funny. Lola is very import for me. -
My nephew
He is Nicolas, is 6 years old, he is youngest of the family, Nicolas is handsome, happy, intelligent, naughty and annoying. He is medium tall and white. His hair is short, straight and black. He loves his grandmother, he trains soccer.
Nicolas likes to study and is very responsible whit her tasks
Nicolas is the Susana's grandchild