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My Family

By CamiL7
  • My Grandmother

    My Grandmother
    Maria Lilia Camayo
    She was tall, and brown, she was eyes brown, she was black, short, wavy hair.
    she was beautiful, she was friendly and honest.
    She was the oldest of the family and She was taller than me.
  • My father

    My father
    Javier Lozano Camayo he was born in may 20 1958 and 7 juny 2018.
    He was is mediwm heigth, he was slim, he was brown, Handsome and elegant. He was mostach, he was eyes brown and hair is short black.
    My father he was angry and tolerant, he was bawd
    He will always be the man of my life and he was the best dad the world.
  • My mother

    My mother
    Amparo Lozano Tobar, She is the smollest of the house, she has short, brown and wavy hair, she is ungrier than diana, she is very funny.
    She is the good mother and she is funniest of the family.
  • My Sister

    My Sister
    Maritza Lozano Lozano, She is medium heiger, she is browner than me, she is the icebergest, she is my older sister
  • My brother

    My brother
    Javier Lozano Lozano, He is the tollest, he is the best,
    he is calmer than my sisters, He has black, short, wavy hair
  • My Sister

    My Sister
    Diana Lozano Lozano, she is whiter than me, She is the help full, she is my favorite sister, she has logn, wavy, and brown hair
  • Me

    Maria camila Lozano Lozano, I have hair long, wavy and black, I am is the youger, I am the youngest in the house, I am medium heiger