My Family

  • My Father

    My Father
    This is my father, his name is Jair Antonio, he was born in Armenia, he is a very responsible person and very dedicated to his family.
  • My Mother

    My Mother
    This is my mother, her name is Martha Veronica, she was born in Armenia. Quindio is a very loving woman, who has dedicated part of her life for her children. She is responsible
  • Me

    This is me. My name is Yulitza. I'm twenty-one years old. I like being responsible. I was born in Armenia. I like spending time with my son and sharing with him.
  • My Partner

    My Partner
    This man is the father of my son, he is my romantic partner born in Armenia, he is fulfilling his dream of being a soldier
  • My Sister

    My Sister
    This is my sister, her name is Linda Yinari she was born in Armenia Quindio, she likes to dance she is a very friendly girl
  • My Son

    My Son
    This is my son. His name is Juan Andres, he was born in Armenia. Quindio is a very happy boy, he loves to share and spend time with his grandfather.