My Erikson timeline (Kevin Fast)

  • Winning junior league soccer championships

    At the age of 7 I scored the winning goal for my junior league soccer team which won us the last goal. My family and coaches were so encouraging and proud.
    Eriksons fourth stage Industry vs. Inferiority
    In this stage if a child is encouraged and reinforced they become industrious and confident, but if they don't get the support or fell inferior to the tasks demanded they can develop a sense of inferiority
  • Moving to a new school and starting middleschool

    I (12) moved from my old school and the town I was born, to a new school and started middle school at the same time. I had no idea who anyone was or even who I was as a person.
    Identity vs. Role Confusion (fifth stage)
    In this stage an individual searches for a sense of self and personal identity.
  • Meeting my girlfriend

    at the age of 19 I met my girlfriend Victoria and we decided to date because we enjoyed eachothers company so much.
    Eriksons sixth stage Intimacy vs isolation
    This stage is where we explore and form loving relationships outside of our family. Avoiding intimacy can lead to loneliness and isolation and potential depression.