My Educational Timeline

By hortman
  • Born

    I was born on March 16, 1996.
  • Started Kindergarten

    I attended kindergarten at a daycare in Camrose. I still to this day remember my kindergarten experiences as some of the most engaging experiences of my life. We were given the opportunity to "travel" to various places throughout the world on a makeshift plane. My classmates and I were given the opportunity to be the pilots as well as the flight attendants, and we participated in various activities at each "destination". I still remember this learning today.
  • Started School in Killam AB.

    In 2002 I moved to Killam, AB., and began Grade 1. While I loved growing up in a small community and I feel that my education was adequate, I really fell out of love with school. I still loved to learn, but I did not find school to be engaging at all.
  • Started High School in Sedgewick, AB

    In 2011 I entered high school in Sedgewick. It was in high school that my passion for English Language Arts blossomed, specifically in literature and literature analysis. It was this passion that led me to pursuing my communication degree.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    I graduated High School in 2014 with honours in both English and Science 30.
  • Started Post-Secondary at Grant MacEwan University in the Bachelor of Communications program

    I completed a year and a half in the Bachelor of Communications program. I originally thought this program was a great fit due to my outgoing personality, and my competent writing abilities. I quickly learned that business writing was not a passion of mine, and I was drawn to an education class where I realized I had to switch my program. However, I am appreciative of all of the learning I gained from this experience, including grammar, human interaction, research, and various forms of writing.
  • Started my Education Degree

    In the winter of 2016 I began working towards my education degree. I did one semester at Augustana University in Camrose, then had to transfer to the University of Alberta in Edmonton. I discovered the "Middle Years" program through the U of A at Red Deer College, and thought that specific middle years training would open more doors for me as I gained knowledge in the areas of elementary and secondary students/subjects.
  • Graduated from the U of A/RDC Middle Years Program

    In April 2019 I will graduate from the U of A/RDC Middle Years Program.