Just in Time! An End to Corporal Punishment!
In August 1987 corporal punishment became illegal in the UK, a year prior to my birth, thankfully! -
Education Reform Act 1988
The National Curriculum was introduced.
Key Stages were introduced.
Parents could choose where to send their children.
Exam results were published, leading to the introduction of League Tables. -
1988 was the first year that GCSE examinations were sat after Education Secretary Sir Keith Joseph proposed the changes in 1984.
I would also sit GCSE'S 16 years later. -
I was born!
Began Nursery at Landywood Nursery School
Thatcher didn't steal my milk! -
OFSTED begins
John Major’s Conservative government started a scheme for inspections of schools to ensure they were operating properly. OFSTED, is still responsible for inspection of schools in England under the Education (Schools) Act 1992. -
Further and Higher Education Act 1992
This act allowed Wolverhampton Polytechnic to change to the University of Wolverhampton, a change that would prove vital to my future. -
Began Primary School at Landywood Primary School
Education Maintenance Allowance
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) was introducted to increase the amount of students to enrol in post-16 education, by giving students from poorer backgrounds money for going to school post-16.
I got nothing! Which really irritated me as after my father was made redundant I had to work part time in a public house. -
Left Landywood Primary School
Year 6 SATS
Standard Attainment Tests also known as SATS were first introduced in education in 1991, and slowly became widesread until 1998. In Year 6 these were the tests which decided what groups we would be in when we began High School. -
Started at Great Wyrley High School
Great Wyrley Performing Arts High School
If a school could find sponsership of £100,000 the governmnet would match this, and provide additional funding under the White Paper 'Schools acheiving success'.
They would then become a specialist school. Our specialism was Performing Arts. -
Year 9 SATS
Standard Attainment Tests also known as SATS were first introduced in education in 1991, and slowly became widesread until 1998. In Year 9 SATS were used to decide whether we'd be placed in GCSE Foundation or Higher groups. -
Choices, choices?
I had to choose my options for GCSE's, alongside the core subjects I picked Triple Science, Geography, Double ICT, Statistics and Food Technology. -
Tuition Fee Increase
Tuition fees rose from £1,000 to £3,000 due to the Higher Education Act 2004. -
Took my GCSE'S at Great Wyrley High School
Took my A-levels at Great Wyrley High School
I chose Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and General Studies. -
Began at the University of Hertfordshire
Studying Molecular Biology and Genetics -
Left the University of Hertfordshire
Hated living with 4men and the messiest woman on Earth! Also really homesick! -
Began University at Wolverhampton
Studying Human Biology. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the Further and Higher Education Act of 1992, which enabled Wolverhampton PolyTechnic to become a University. -
Teacher Training Bursary
The coalition government introduced bursaries for trainee teachers to encourage graduates from shortage subjects into teaching. -
Finished University at Wolverhampton
Graduation Ceremony
I didn't fall over! -
Started PGCE Secondary Chemistry
Post graduate fees are £9000, oh dear!
Thank the government for bursaries!