1944 Education Act
The education act 1944 replaced almost all previous education legislation and set up the framework for post-war education in England and Wales. These changes included setting up the minstary for education, setting up statutory education including primary.secondary and furthur education and founding LEAs. As a result of implimentling this act a 3 tiered selective education system was formed with
Grammer schools
Secondary technical schools
Secondary modern schools. -
GCE Indroduced
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) was introduced in 1951. I was taken at 16 (ordenary level) or 18 (advanced level). It was only offered at grammer school and fee paying schools. They were mostly only available at the secondary modern schools or secondary technical schools. -
Introduction of CSE
Certificate of secondary education was offered by secondary modern schools as a qualification separate from the GCE offered by the grammar schools -
Corporal punishment abolished
Circular 10/65
Circular 10/65 was issed by the DES it expected the LEAs to turn their schools into comprehensive schools and end selection. It stopped short of compeling them to change their schools so some areas changes and some didn't. The places that changed to comprehensive education were mostly labour strongholds in industrial cities. Such as Derby. -
Circular 10/70
Margret Thatcher the then education secretary issed Circular 10/70 which signalled an end to wide spread comprehensivisation by LEAs.
LEAs where still able to submit cases on a case by case basis and many did leading to Margret Thatcher sactioning more comprehensive schools in her time as education secretary than any one else. -
1976 Education Act
The 1976 Education Act ends trys to selection for school places but it is not a legal reguriement -
1976 Education Act repealed
The 1976 Education Act is repealed by the conservative government after having no effect. -
GCSEs Intdroduced
The GCSE brought together the GCEs tought by the grammer schools and the CSEs tought by the secondary modern schools -
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
The Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education was set up to over see the training of teachers meaning that central government had control over how teachers were trained. -
The National Curriculum 5-16.
Set out the plans to introduce the national curriculum -
1988 Education Reform Act
Possibley the biggest change in english education since the 1944 Education act. It brought the national curruiclum into all goverment run schools. -
1992 Education (Schools) Act
This act paved the way for the creation of the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) -
1993 Education Act
This was the biggest piece of education legilation so far. it delt with 5 key areas:
Responsibility for education- the roles of the secatry of state for education
Changes in funding- new rules to make it easier for schools to become grant-maintained. (schools outside LEA control funded by a grant from government.)
Children with special education needs- This was defined and codes of practice were put in place
School attendance
Schools failing to give an acceptable standard of education -
Started pear tree infants
Started Peartree Comminity Junior School
When I lived there Peartree was a very working class area of derby where a fair amount of the population was from India and Pakistan. This meant that from a very young age we were given a strong antirasist message from the school. just one example was that the hyms for assembly were modifed so not to place the christian God above any other.
The school has recently been put in special measures as there are 26 difeerent languages spoken in the school as a result of new EU migrants moving in. -
1997 white paper excellence in schools
Secondary schools were encouraged to become specialist schools -
Learning and skills act 2000
Establishes City academies -
Started Littleover community school
Whilst I was there Littleover was the best performing school in the LEA and was only beaten in the scity by the selective fee paying schools such as Derby High school and Derby Grammer school. Pupils in derby do not sit an 11 plus so most education is not slective. However LCS is so over subcribed that its crittics accuse it of being selctive. I got in because my older brother was there.Its intake is a mix of working and middle class -
Joined the millennium Centre
The millennium centre is LCS sixth form but it is shared by LCS and Derby Moor Comminity Sports College. DMCSC was the orginal grammer school in derby before the Labour controled LEA turned all schools in Derby into Comprehensives. It was an ofsted good school with most od its intake from the same working class area as Pear tree juniors. -
2008 education and skills act
Raised school leaving age to 18 -
Academies Act 2010
Allows the creation of free schools