My educational journey

  • Birthday

    I was born in Mansfield, Ohio. One older brother at the time.
  • Kindergarten

    I went to St Peter's Elementary in Mansfield Ohio.
  • 5th Grade

    5th Grade
    In 5th grade, I had a gym teacher by the name of Mr. Anderson. He was a role model for me and really made me enjoy the sports that I ended up playing years after we met.
  • 7th Grade

    7th Grade
    1 year into middle school at this point. I have changed a good amount this time. Started taking school more seriously.
  • First year of highschool

    First year of highschool
    I remember being very excited about high school. Honestly, it was mostly for sports.
  • Covid years

    Covid years
    What started with a 2-week break my sophomore year of high school turned into me not being able to attend school until senior year.
  • Graduating High School

    Graduating High School
    Not too sure where I wanted to go, but I knew I wanted to compete in track.