My Education Timeline

  • Kindergarten

    I studied at "Gente Moleque" and I had many toys. I have good memories of that school. For example I played with my friends Augusto and Heitor. I liked to play dodgeball in physical education with my teacher Diego. I had theater and capoeira classes.
  • Oswaldo Cruz

    Oswaldo Cruz
    I studied at Oswaldo Cruz from first grade to sixth grade. I had nice memories with my friends Augusto, Escobar, Nicholas, Pedro , Fisch and Lucas Closs. For example we played soccer and volleyball. We liked to draw, create games and play tag.
  • Fundação

    I am in seventh grade and I study at fundação. I like my teachers that help me, my friends, the big school , the cafeteria, the computer lab, the science lab and the gym. My favourite subjects are History , Portuguese ,drama classes , Financial education and Physical education.