
My Education Timeline

  • Swimming

    The first time that I entered in a swimming pool was when i was 8 months old. I continued practicing until 8 years, then I stopped.
  • Kindergarten

    The kindergarten was very cool, because most of the time you were playing on the playground, and the activities were very easy.
  • 1st Grade

    I was ansious to go the 1st grade. After some time, I got bored from it.
  • Soccer Classes

    Soccer Classes
    I started to practice with 5 years old, and I'm practicing it until now.
  • 6th Grade

    Until the middle of the year, I stayed in remote classes, then went back to face-to-face classes. The end of the year was really sad, because I leaved Oswaldo Cruz and some of my classmates would go to another class in 7th Grade.
  • 7th Grade

    7th Grade
    Until now, it's being very cool to explore the new school, the new teachers are great, but there's just one thing that I don't like: In Oswaldo, we were the older ones, and now in Fundação we are the younger.