My Education Timeline

By skish
  • Graduate from high school

    Graduate from high school
  • Start my Rehabilitation Services Diploma at RDC

    Start my Rehabilitation Services Diploma at RDC
  • Complete my Rehabilitation Services Diploma from RDC

  • One on One support Aide

  • Day Care Centre Staff Qualification Certificate

  • Start working as an Educational Assistant with RDPSD

    Start working as an Educational Assistant with RDPSD
    Fairview Elementary in Pre-K and my last year was in Kindergarten at this school.
  • Introduction to SEE

    Introduction to SEE
  • Sign language conference/workshop at U of A

  • SEE Center skillshop

  • End of job as One-on-One support aide

  • Started teaching SEE with RDPSD

    Started teaching SEE with RDPSD
  • Transferred to Joseph Welsh Elementary School

  • Transferred to Central Middle School

  • Last year teaching SEE with RDPSD

  • Start university transfer studies

  • Glendale Science and Technology School

  • First Ice Climb

    First Ice Climb
    I have always had a connection tobut this event started my love for mountain activities and being outside trying new things as well as taking chances. It was with this first weekend that I truly felt I found my passion and confidence in who I am. This was the start to my interest in outdoor classrooms and educations
  • G.W Smith Elementary

  • Last day of work as an EA for RDPSD

  • U of A/RDC ed program start

    U of A/RDC ed program start
  • Specialized Service Facilitator LAG

  • EDFX 325 Practicum

  • Last day with LAG

  • Big Fun summer camps

    Big Fun summer camps
  • last day of summer camps

  • Outdoor Classroom Research

  • Emma's birth

    Emma's birth
  • Bighorn Library Board Member

  • Indigenous Education Achievement Gap Research

  • Start of the last term of my degree