Graduate from high school
Start my Rehabilitation Services Diploma at RDC
Complete my Rehabilitation Services Diploma from RDC
One on One support Aide
Day Care Centre Staff Qualification Certificate
Start working as an Educational Assistant with RDPSD
Fairview Elementary in Pre-K and my last year was in Kindergarten at this school. -
Introduction to SEE
Sign language conference/workshop at U of A
SEE Center skillshop
End of job as One-on-One support aide
Started teaching SEE with RDPSD
Transferred to Joseph Welsh Elementary School
Transferred to Central Middle School
Last year teaching SEE with RDPSD
Start university transfer studies
Glendale Science and Technology School
First Ice Climb
I have always had a connection tobut this event started my love for mountain activities and being outside trying new things as well as taking chances. It was with this first weekend that I truly felt I found my passion and confidence in who I am. This was the start to my interest in outdoor classrooms and educations -
G.W Smith Elementary
Last day of work as an EA for RDPSD
U of A/RDC ed program start
Specialized Service Facilitator LAG
EDFX 325 Practicum
Last day with LAG
Big Fun summer camps
last day of summer camps
Outdoor Classroom Research
Emma's birth
Bighorn Library Board Member
Indigenous Education Achievement Gap Research
Start of the last term of my degree