my education time line

  • level 2

    at level 2 I went into the pindorama, and I loved level 2 because I just drew and played
  • crazy cow foodtruck

    Vaca crazy is a hamburger foodtruck that went to Pindorama and I loved it.
  • fourth grade

    in the fourth grade I made new friends because I had moved from class to morning class, and now my best friends are in my class
  • soccer tournament

    in 2022 i particepate of the futisal soccer tournament and i play in the defence and i like very much becase i win every matchs
  • acletismo tournament

    i partipate of acletismo tournament in 2022, i partipate of
    a run test but i dont win,but i liked even thouth.
  • science fair

    the science fair its a place with you creat a thing and apresent to other people, and is very cool.
  • english camp

    the english camp is a very coll experience, because i only speek english and my got better
  • 6 grade

    6 year was the year I said goodbye to pindorama, I loved pindorama but now I prefer foundation
  • water slides

    one day the school rented a water slides and it was really cool because we slipped on the soap and water
  • 7 grade

    7 year was the year I got into school fundacao, and for now I'm loving it