Period: to
The School Years
Chalkboard -- 1801
Chalkboards have been used since the beginning of classrooms. My kindergarten teacher taught us our ABC's on the chalkboard. -
Record Player -- 1877
The record player has been around a long time. My 1st grade teacher used the record player to introduce us to music and for our class parties. -
Tape player -- 1950's
The tape player was used with our reading books to help us to learn how to read and help with sounding out our letters. -
Movie projector -- 1879
The movie projector was used to show films for our history class and teach us about important events in the US. -
Overhead projector -- 1870's
The overhead projector made it easier for the teacher to show us how to work math problems or show us transparencies. -
Sundial -- 3500 BC
My science teacher and math teacher used a sundial to teach us about angles and about time and the seasons. -
Manual typewriter -- 1860's
I had to take a typing class my sophomore year to learn the proper way to type. This class was one of the best classes I ever took because the knowledge was easily transferred to keyboards eventually. -
Computer -- 1981
In computer class we learned about IBM computers and writing programs in DOS. -
Abacus -- 2700-2300 BC
My math teacher decided to teach us to use abacus when several students asked if we could use a calculator on a test. It was quite educational to learn to use. -
Fume hood -- 1970.s
My chemistry class was the first class to use the fume hood. This allowed the teacher to have us create new and different experiments than ever before in our school. -
Scintific calculator -- 1968
In my senior year our math teacher taught us how to use scientific calculators and allowed us to use them during class.