
my digital timeline

  • My Birth

    This is the day when I was born.
  • My sister's birth

    My sister was born on December 2 2010, making us 3 years apart
  • Kindergarten

    This is the day that I started school, I never went to preschool but I went to kindergarten. I was 6 years old. I went to Barry School for about a year then transferred to another school.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    I was in barry for half a year and then transferred to Prussing Elementary, I was there for the rest of the school year and my sister now goes there.
  • Meeting my bestfriend

    The first time I met my bestfriend was in first grade and were still friends to this day.
  • My first Talent Show

    My first Talent Show
    I went to my first talent show in 2017, I performed dancing and karate with 3 other people, it was fun
  • My childhood dog died

    My childhood dog died
    In fourth grade, my dog passed away, he lived a long life and little me cried for a very long time.
  • My first birthday party

    My first birthday party
    For my first birthday party, me and my friends went roller skating, it was so much fun and me and my friends never forget that day
  • Fifth Grade (my favorite year in grade school)

    Fifth Grade was my favorite year, I loved fifth grade. I had so many friends, great teachers and me and my classmates played with chickens and ducks.
  • Run a thon

    Run a thon
    in 6th grade, we did a run a thon for the school and I happen to get 2nd place
  • Disney World Trip

    Disney World Trip
    My first trip to disney world with my family, it was so much fun and never forgot that trip ever since I left
  • covid hit

    covid hit
    when covid hit, I was in sixth grade at the time and had to do online learning during seventh grade, online learning for me wasn't bad but Definity affected my grades
  • Basket Ball team

    Basket Ball team
    In 8th grade, I joined the girl's basketball team and even though we didn't have a big enough team and didn't win any games, our team was still good
  • My first love/bf

    My first love/bf
    my first boyfriend I dated was someone who I grew a close bond with, we both trusted each other and we considered ourselves friends then grew closer and ended up liking each other which happened to end up on us dating, we dated for a few months and it sadly ended and we don't talk anymore but we both moved on.
  • 8th Grade Luncheon

    My first eight grade dance happened at a dinner for our eighth grade graduation. We dressed up and danced, it was fun
  • Wolves Game Field Trip

    Wolves Game Field Trip
    Me and my classmates went to the wolves game for our eighth grade field, it was so much fun
  • Graduation

    8th grade graduation, everyone was there and it was so fun
  • Freshman year

    Freshman year
    First year of highschool