Apgar Scale
I delivered Ivy naturally without an epidural (page 92). Ivy received a score of an 8 at birth on the Apgar Scale (page 100). The Apgar Scale assesses the appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration of a newborn baby. -
Habituation & Dishabituation
My daughter Ivy is just four months old and has displayed her frst signs of Habituation and Dishabituation (mentioned in Human Development by Arnett on page 152). When she is in her car seat, I try my best to show her all of the toys I've gathered over the last many months to keep her stimulated. She has grown uninterested in the many toys but having picked up a new, but similar one, she has found interest again in such toys. She suckles at a more frequent pace when the new toy is presented. -
Sound Localization
Ivy is just over a year old and is exhibiting signs of sound localization (page 109). I was doing some chores around the house (a hard thing to do with a young child). I was carelessly singing just out of Ivy's view and I could see her head tilted in my direction as she listened. Sound localization is the ability to tell where a sound is coming from. -
Self Recognition
Ivy is two years old now! I'm teaching her about the importance of oral hygiene. I don't think she fully understands the extent of it. She is however displaying self-recognization (page 203). She spends more time looking in the mirror at her self than focusing on what we're learning about teeth. -
Ivy is five years old as I watch on her having a tea party with stuffed animals in her play room. The set up is elaborate, everyone is dressed up and the table is set as if she were having a real tea party in England. She is having full blown, mostly sensical conversations with her stuffed animals as if they are humans actually drinking tea with her. She is displaying Animism (mentioned on page 242 of the textbook). -
Ivy is seven years old. She was having trouble seeing things that were farther away from her, so I took her to see an optometrist and just as I suspected, she has myopia (page 287). Myopia is the inability to see distant objects and it's more commonly known as being nearsighted. -
Ideal Self
Ivy is 11 years old and has recently started taking piano lessons! She is practicing several times a week and taking music very seriously. At dinner, she discussed the desire to be the best piano player in the world. This is what is called her ideal self (page 364). Ideal self is the person one would like to be. I told her that if she continues to motivate herself in music, the sky is the limit for her. -
Media Multitasking
Ivy is media multitasking which is when more than one form of media is being used at the same time (page 329 of Arnett textbook). She did this at age 12. She is currently catching up on episodes of Sponge Bob while playing a math learning game on her laptop. By the time I've noticed that she is trying to do both, I urge her to turn off the television, refocusing her energy into mathematics for a while.