My Child's Timeline

  • Birth

    It's a boy: Raja!
  • Walking and Talking!

    Walking and Talking!
    (Age: 1 year)
    Raja takes his first steps, and learns a few words!
  • Say Cheese!

    Say Cheese!
    Raja takes some great photos with his toy baby camera!
  • Elementary School!

    Elementary School!
    Raja starts elementary school: A strong start!
  • Toy Cars!

    Toy Cars!
    For his 9th birthday, Raja gets a giant toy car collection!
  • Middle School!

    Middle School!
    After successfully completing elementary school and learning so much, Raja grows older and begins middle school as a pre-teen!
  • First Camcorder!

    First Camcorder!
    Raja receives a new camcorder to make movies with for the holidays! He is extremely excited!
  • First Film!

    First Film!
    Raja makes his first short film with some friends during winter break!
  • State Film Contest!

    State Film Contest!
    Raja makes a short movie with some friends and enters it into a state competition. He wins 2nd prize!
  • High School!

    High School!
    Raja does exceptionally well (a 4.0 GPA) in middle school, and gets accepted into and attends a magnet high school!
  • Film Championship!

    Film Championship!
    After producing a high quality film with his friends, he wins a nationwide short film competition on distracted driving! Along with this great title, he receives a new top-notch DSLR and $10,000!
  • Graduation!

    Raja completes high school with a 4.0 GPA and gets accepted into New York University--his dream film school!
  • Film School!

    Film School!
    Raja starts his film university life at NYU and loves his beginning days!
  • College Graduation!

    College Graduation!
    Raja graduates film school with a near-perfect GPA and a seasoned portfolio of short films!
  • Company!

    Raja starts a film production company which goes on to make $22,000 in its first year of doing business!
  • Graduate School!

    Graduate School!
    While running his startup, Raja enters the graduate film school at the University of Southern California!
  • USC Graduation!

    USC Graduation!
    Raja successfully completes graduate film school at USC!
  • Company Sold!

    Company Sold!
    Raja sells his amazing film company for a great $7 million!
  • PhD Program!

    PhD Program!
    Raja starts the famous Media Arts PhD program at USC!
  • Vacation!

    With his business money, Raja takes a trip around the world with his parents and donates $1 million to various charities!
  • Marriage!

    After finding "the one," Raja marries an amazing woman and continues to do his PhD. His wife is also doing a PhD (in the sciences).
  • PhD!

    Raja successfully completes his studies in Media Arts and earns his PhD!
  • Director!

    Raja becomes a director of theatre films and begins working on his first film about alternate realities, titled "Projection."
  • First Child!

    First Child!
    Raja and his wife have their first child!
  • Oscars!

    Raja's film "Projection" wins 6 Academy Awards after releasing about a year before!
  • New Child!

    New Child!
    Raja and his wife have their second child!
  • New Film!

    New Film!
    Raja's 2nd film "The Perception" wins 4 Oscars and Raja wins the Best Director Award for 2067!
  • More Oscars!

    More Oscars!
    Raja wins 5 more Academy Awards for his new film!
  • Vacation and House!

    Vacation and House!
    After taking an awesome vacation with his wife and family, Raja buys a mansion in Los Angeles! He donates $10 million to charity, and is noted for his contributions to charity.
  • Film for the Underprivileged

    Film for the Underprivileged
    Raja and his team travel to India to shoot a documentary about poverty in the country.
  • Documentary Awards!

    Documentary Awards!
    Raja is awarded 5 Oscars for his amazing documentary!
  • Children's Business!

    Children's Business!
    Raja's children start a business at a young age and make hundreds of thousands of dollars in their first 3 years!
  • Retirement!

    Raja and his wife both retire, and live a great life in Los Angeles.
  • Moving!

    Raja and his wife get a huge mansion built in California, and live with their children and parents. They still love their old family!
  • Donations!

    In honor of the turn of the 22nd century (2100), Raja donates $22 million to needy children in India.
  • Famous Children (Adults)!

    Famous Children (Adults)!
    Raja and his wife's children become famous businessmen and are known for their charitable donations.
  • Biography!

    Raja gets a biography written about him, participating in different interviews for it.
  • Last Donations.

    Last Donations.
    Raja makes his last donations of millions of dollars.
  • Peaceful Death.

    Peaceful Death.
    Raja peacefully dies of old age.