My Timeline

  • My older sister was born

    My older sister was born before i was born. She is 7 years older than me
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    My birthday is april 27
  • My parents got married

    My parents got married
    My mom got married before i was born. My mom had my sister and then after she had my sister she got married to my dad.
  • Hockey

    I started roller hockey when i was around 8 years old.
  • My baby brother

    My baby brother
    My baby brother was born when i was 10 years old. He is 2 years old almost three. He is my 3rd sibling.
  • dirt bike

    dirt bike
    I got my dirt bike last year on my birthday when i was turning 12 years old.
  • shore

    I went down the shore with my hole family and we rode dirt bikes swam in the ocean and we fished.
  • getting stitches

    i got stitches when i was on my dirtbike doing wheelies. I was doing a wheelie and i fell and had to get stitches.