
My birth in 1998

  • camine a los 4 años - Walk at 4 years

    camine  a los 4 años - Walk at 4 years
  • I started my elementary school in 2003

    I started my elementary school in 2003
  • reaches the dorada caldas

    reaches the dorada caldas
  • in 2004 I was studied in fandis

    in 2004 I was studied in fandis
  • studied at the renan boat school estudie studied

    studied at the renan boat school estudie studied
  • I did my high school

    I did my high school
  • 2015 did technical sistem sena salgar

    2015 did technical sistem   sena salgar
  • I finished my high school

    I finished my high school
  • best birthday

    best birthday
  • it was the best night with camping

    it was the best night with camping
  • my eco adventure

    my eco adventure
  • a great way out with my family

    a great way out with my family
  • I remember as the best of the best in the subject of disability

    I remember as the best of the best in the subject of disability
  • I finished my system technician

    I finished my system technician