My birth

  • Birth

    My mother brought me to life, and I am thankful of her.
  • My first time I went to a festival ,baby style

    Fist time in a festival and my momma tooka a picture of me eating a turkey leg
  • 1st Halloween

    I had my first hallowen and I was dressed as a kitty..meeeow
  • My sister was born

    I was a little girl my momma was pregnant and later on gave mirth to my sister
  • My first christmas

    I was still a baby but ..this was the day i had my first christmas
  • My 1st Birthday

    My grandparents took me to Mexico and did my 1st birthday party with a beautiful golden dress,that my aunt baught me.
  • My first Phone

    I was a kid and all I did on my phone was play games
  • By brother was born

    My brother was born and hes a bit annoying,but we still love him
  • Fist time with braces

    Im a braces freak!
  • first time i met Luis Coronel BAEE!!

    first time i met Luis Coronel BAEE!!
    The firt time I met Luis at a Grahams Night Club where he was performing
  • Second time I see Baee!

    The next day Luis was staying here in Navasota and we went to see him,I got his autograph
  • First time using makeup

    First time using makeup
    When my momma tells me I can start wearing makeup
  • First 8th grade pep rally

    First 8th grade pep rally
    Our first pep rally and it was a ....Wear all PINK
  • First straightener

    When my mother baught my straightner for the first time
  • bae In Houston festival

    bae In Houston festival
    After all these time i saw baee again,I didnt get to see him face to face ...but he knows I love him
  • graduation for 8th grade

    graduation for 8th grade
    Im proud to graduate form 8th grade and making my momma proud of me!
  • Last 8th grade Dance

    Last 8th grade Dance
    once we are done with promotions ..later on that day we will be having our last 8th grade dance fore all the 8th graders
  • Braces Free

    Im Braces FREEEE!!
  • Back to school

    We go back to school and is my 1st Freshman year!
  • My First 15

    My momma going to make me a 15 and im hopeing it comes out great!