My Birth
I am Jefferson Arredondo. I was born in Darien, Valle del Cauca, in October 2 2001. My father is Hernando Arredondo and my mom is Cristina Minda. I have two brothers, They are, Santiago Arredondo Minda and Fernando Arredondo Minda -
My Walks
when I was 12, I visited the basil and Comfenalco insects. When I was 13 I went to see the end of football Colombia in Palma Seca with my father -
Events Of My Niñes
when I was a child, he was 10 years old, I made my first communion. I was in the park reeds in Cali with my family. When I was 9 years old, my parents gave me a play station game for Christmas. When he was 8 years old I went to the park coffee -
My Present
I am 14 years old, I study in GIDELCA school, I live to play videogames, I live in Darien and I like electronic music. My favorite soccer player are James Rodrigues and Cristiano Ronaldo. My favorite color is green, I live with my mom and pather