The Story of my Life

  • My Brother was Born

    My brother Dominic was born in the Mater Hospital, Brisbane
  • My Birth

    I was born in the Mater Hospital, Brisbane
  • My First day at School in Prep

    My first day in Prep at St Stephen's Primary School
  • My First Time on a Plane

    My first time on a Plane to Fiji
  • My First Concert

    My First Concert was when I went to see One Direction at Boondall Entertainment Center
  • Got My Ears Pierced

    I got my ears pierced on the day after my Birhtday
  • My Second Concert

    My Second Concert was Taylor Swift at Suncorp Stadium
  • My Second time on a Plane

    My Second Time on a Plane was when I went to Thailand
  • Becoming a Senior Student

    I became a Senior Student at the start of Grade 6
  • Went to Canberra with School

    I went to Canberra with all the Grade Sixes, it was a school trip
  • Story Bridge Climb

    I went on the Story Bridge Climb with the Grade Sixes, it was a school excursion
  • Year 6 Graduation

    In Year 6 I Graduated from Primary School
  • Getting a New Dog

    We got a new dog and he is a Bullmastiff and his name is Rocco
  • Started High School

    I started High School at Our Lady's College