My biography - Heilen Catalina Fajardo Sanchez

  • Birth

    • My name is Heilen Catalina Fajardo Sánchez
    • I was born on July 26, 2002
    • I am from Zipaquira
    • I was born in San Juan de Dios hospital
  • Marriage of my uncle

    Marriage of my uncle
    • It was the center of attention along with my uncle and his wife at that party
    • I liked to smile
    • It was the first marriage I was going to
    • It was flirtatious
  • My parents

    • My mom is Cristina Sánchez
    • My dad's name is Pablo Fajardo
    • My mom is a housewife
    • My dad is an industrial mechanic
    • Currently I am married
  • My godparents

    My godparents
    • My godmother is my aunt
    • My godmother is called Diana Fajardo
    • My aunt's husband is Diego Pereira
    • My sponsor works with my Dad
    • I have a nice relationship with them
  • Older sister

    • My sister is Nicole Fajardo
    • I am 21 years old
    • Currently I have another sister is the minor * Her name is Paula Fajardo
    • I have a stepbrother
  • My first diploma

    • My first Diploma
    • My parents, like me, were excited
    • I have almost no diplomas
  • Photos

    • I liked to pose for photos
    • I liked to smile
    • I really liked being taken and taking pictures
    • I arranged a lot
    • It was vain
  • My sisters

    I have two sisters
  • My first pet

    • Her name is Sweety
    • My birthday girl gives it to me
    • He is still with me
    • It is playful
    • You already had babies
  • Graduation course 5

    • All my life so far I have studied at the San Gabriel
    • They made me lunch at school
    • It was somewhat deficient
    • It was very social
  • Trip to Santa Marta

    • My sponsors took me
    • I was in a very nice apartment
    • Also I know Medellín
    • I almost did not go into the sea just the last 3 days
    • Almost every day I ate Cheese sticks
  • First Communion

    • My uncle's wife bought me the dress
    • My aunts combed my hair
    • I had nerves
    • My parents gave me a meeting
  • My 15 years

    • I wanted my grandma to have been
    • Another aunt sent me to make the dress
    • I was with my family and friends
    • My theme was Casino
    • I had a great time
  • Graduation course 9

    • I had nerves was my first graduation with red carpet
    • My Sister also graduated
  • Golden weddings, my grandparents

    • It was after 31
    • My dad's family was there
    • They carried a string group
    • It was elegant
  • 2019

    • I am currently 16 years old
    • I am in grade 11
    • I want to study International Business
    • In the University Militar