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My Biography

  • The day of my birth

    The day of my birth
    The day I was born, it was very special for my family because he was the youngest in the family.
  • My first day in the house

    My first day in the house
    To my house I arrived at 5 days old.
    According to my mother told me the first thing she did was take a bath.
  • The birth of my niece

    The birth of my niece
    Currently I have 3 nephews in total, but in 2004 my first niece was born, is the one with the most cohabited and with the one I had best taken.
  • My experience in preschool

     My experience in preschool
    Enter preschool at the age of 4 years.
    When I passed the following year, I was the standard-bearer of the escort.
  • My experience in primary

    My experience in primary
    Yo estudie en la primaria "Plan de Ayala" que me quedaba a tan solo 10min de mi casa.Enter in 2009 and leave in 2015.
  • My first trophy

    My first trophy
    I was 10 years old when I received that trophy, when I won a Taekwondo competition.
    Pity that afterwards I could not continue because I fractured.
  • Acknowledgments

    During my 6 years in elementary school, every year I received a diploma for having the best average of my group.
    Also win two internal competitions.
  • The first time I went to pint

    The first time I went to pint
    It was the best experience I could have.
    We were only my friend Ruth and I, that day I knew several places like Revolution, Fine Arts, La Frikiplaza and Cinemex, something very new for me.
  • My friends

    My friends
    Throughout my life I always had more friends than friends.
    I could say that my biggest friends are Anahi and Daniela.
    Which I met in high school.
  • My high school exit

    My high school exit
    Without a doubt it was a super sad moment, so many things that we spent as a group, the laughs, the fights, everything. But it was also a necessary change.
  • The BEST day of my life

    The BEST day of my life
    The best news I could receive was the "It has been accepted at the UNAM" by my brother.
    I have no words to describe my feelings that day.
  • At present...

    At present...
    I still have a lot to write, I know that the road is not easy, but not impossible either.
    I have known the best people, always supporting us in everything.
    PDT: These 2 crazy women are the best.