My Biography

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on February 16 2001, in Villavicencio Meta
  • 2

    I grew up with my parents in Villavicencio
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    My baptism was on April 10, 2002 in the cathedral church
  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    When I was 5 I started kinder in the Normal Superior School
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    I graduated in November from kinder
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    I made my first communion in December
  • Completion of my primary

    In 2011 I finished my primary school
  • My 15 years

    My 15 years
    I celebrate my 15 years in 2016
  • Currently

    I am currently in grade 11
  • Future

    The next December I will go to Spain to visit my aunt