I was born on March 17, 1987 -
I started the Primery School at Escuela Nueva Chimichagua -
I moved to a farm
we spent there 3 years and then we moved back to Chimichagua -
I Finished Primry School
I got graduated from the Primary School ESCUELA NUEVA. -
I moved to Valledupar with my grandma and i started to study high school at Lopeperena Central -
I Graduated from High School. I started to study computer at UPARSISTEN for 2 years. -
I Got My Fist Job.
I graduated from Uparsisten, then i got my fist jod. I worked for 3 years. -
I got a Job in Homecenter as a seller -
My Career
I started my Career in 2014 -
I will be finished my Carrer
I will be Graduating as a Spanish and English teacher -
France or USA
I will go to france for a year to improve my English and learn French or I will go to USA -
I will be teaching English -
i will die with 111 years old, happy and with great memories