My Biography

  • Born

    I am born in Newark, New Jersey.
  • Graduate of Ninth Grade

    Graduate of Ninth Grade
    With my best friends, we graduated together and trooped together.
  • Best Friends

    Best Friends
    In my 18 years old. This three guys are part of my life. They are my best friend.
  • High School

    High School
    I am curse in the tenth grade and they are some of friends what did I do.
  • First Day of Job by the students Seniors

    First Day of Job by the students Seniors
    If was my first day with some of friends and students of my class graduated.
  • Welcome Seniors 2016

    Welcome Seniors 2016
    Start of classes and welcome graduate students with caravan for all the people.
  • Last Days of High School

    Last Days of High School
    Taking advantage of every moment of the day missing with my girls.
  • Senior Farewell

    Senior Farewell
    One of the most memorable days I'll have in my life and one of the days in which I shared with my friends.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I get my graduation higher and that day I shared the last happy moments with all my friends.
  • Days of University

    Days of University
    When my whole life changed and new people came into my life.