My Birth
My name is Dalyana Andrea Lozada Jurado. I was born on December the 13th in 2001, in Cali, Valle Del Cauca. My grandparents are Guillermo Jurado Velez and Maria Isabel Quesada Moreno. My parents are Jesus Antonio Lozada Londoño and Adriana Jurado Quesada. My brother is Santiago Lozada Jurado -
My Baptism
When I was 2 years old I christened in the church Nuestra Señora Del Perpetuo Socorro in Darien. Then we celebrated with my family -
My saddest day
When I was 6 years old my cousin Juan Pablo, he died because of a disease in the kidneys and it was very sad for me -
My sport
When I was 10 years old I joined to a group of skate and it was my favorite sport. -
My First Communion
When I was 9 Years old I made my first communion in the Church Nuestra Señora Del Perpetuo Socorro in Darien. Then we celebrated with a party -
My second saddest day
When I was 13 years old my uncle died, he had cancer in the liver and I was very sad for me. -
My confirmation
When I was 13 years old I made my catholic confirmation in the church Nuestra Señora Del Perpetuo Socorro in Darien. Then we celebrated with my family. -
my present
I am 14 years old. I study at Gidelca'´s school. I like to practice theater in the House of Culture. My hobby is listen to music. My favorite singers are: Maluma, Reik, Porta, Pipe Bueno, Nicky Jam and Grupo Niche. My favorite colors are: black, pink, light blue, red, blue, and purple. My favorite fruits are: apple, peach, mango, carambolo, zapote and granadilla. My favorite animals are: dog, dolpin, and tiger. -
This is me