my biography

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on September 4 at 2 in the afternoon, I weighed 3 kilos in the Pablo Acosta Ortiz hospital in Venezuela.
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    my first year
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    my three years
  • my dad

    my dad
    my dad was killed for stealing it
  • sister

    my sister on mom's side
  • my nursery

    my nursery
    my happy moment
  • school

    I entered first grade and I felt very happy :)
  • my mom

    my mom
    Leaving the beauty salon
  • my sister

    my sister
    sister on dad's side
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    my eleven years
  • my first graduation

    my first graduation
    me gradué en Venezuela de 5to
  • my second graduation

    my second graduation
    I came to live here in Colombia when I graduated again from fifth grade
  • school

    enter sixth grade
  • my best friend

    my best friend
    Like all friends, first we fell out and then we were friends
  • my boyfriend

    my boyfriend
    He is my boyfriend, we have been together for 2 years
  • my fifteen years

    my fifteen years
    I met medellin
  • my mom

    my mom
    my mom that was when we met the stone of the peñol
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    my 16 years
  • my course

    my course
    I am doing a beauty course
  • school

    I am currently doing tenth