My biography

  • My first year

    My first year
    On september 26 2001 I completed my first year, a year where with few adventures i grew and so did the teachings that my parents gave me
  • Period: to

    My biography

    My name is julian david lovera gomez. I was born on september 26 2001 at 2:30 am in the chia clinic my parents are called Edgar Leonardo Lovera Ramirez and Clara Yovana Gomez. I am a very believing young man and i have a lot of faith in god, i like to see life in a positive way.
    I am passionate to the animals and to the order I also like to be a person loder and collaborator my hobit is to sleep and to share moments in family and with my friends.
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    On march 13 2002 I started taking my first steps, my parents were very excited because I was startingto grow