Baby Jack was Born
Jack was born at 6:37pm, he weighed 7lbs 8oz, and he was 19 inches long. -
Habituation at 10 Weeks
Habituation is when they show a decreased response to a stimulus or object after multiple presentations of the same stimulus or object (pg.105). I kept showing Jack a teddy bear, and at first he was really excited and happy to see it. After multiple times, he wasn't interested anymore. Habituation is typically present at birth, and it becomes more prevalent over the first 12 weeks of infancy. This is crucial to his development because it shows that he is advancing in cognitive thought (Pg. 105). -
Jack's First Steps
Jack took his first steps today, and he is a little over 9 months old. Most infants are able to walk by supporting themselves with nearby objects at about 9 months (pg. 124). Walking in infancy indicates an increase in gross motor skills that is crucial for running and other activities later in life. -
Object Permanence at 11 months old
When babies are younger, and you have a toy and you hide it under a box they think that the toy has disappeared. When they are older, they are able to tell that the toy is under the box. So, object permanence is the realization that things still do exist even if they can't be seen (pg. 145). Object permanence typically occurs around 8-12 months. Jack displayed object permanence when I hid his favorite action figure under the blanket, he lifted up the blanket. -
Jack's 1st Birthday
WooHoo!! Jack is now walking well which typically happens around 12.3 months (pg. 125). Some of the words he knows are 'kitty' 'mama' 'dada' and he uses them correctly. Jack is starting to become self aware; that is knolwedge of himself (pg. 175). When I seat him infront of the mirror with some food on his face, he tries to wipe it off. Jack is an easy baby, he has a positive disposition and adapts easily (pg. 186). -
Jack's First Word
Jack's first word was 'mama' at 12 months. We were at home and I kept repeating the word 'mama' to him, and he said it back to me. We have been watching TV shows like Blues Clues and Sesame Street. I typically talk baby to him, he seems more interested that way. First words typically occur anywhere from 10 to 14 months (pg. 159). -
Stranger Anxiety
While we were at the store, a complete stranger came up to comment on how cute Jack was. Jack had a disgusted look on his face, and turned away. He is displaying stranger anxiety. Stranger anxiety is when the baby displays caution or disgust on their face when they have encountered a person who is unfamiliar (pg. 172). This sort of 'attitude' occurs around 12-18 months. -
Potty Trained
Jack is potty trained! He was showing signs of readiness such as staying dry at least 2 hours at a time, and waking up dry after naps (pg. 213). He still has some accidents during the night, but they are far and few in between. He wants to start wearing underwear, but we are going to stick with the potty training pants for a little while longer. -
Functional Play
Jack is engaging in functional play. Functional play is play that involves repetitive activites and is typical of 3-year-olds (pg. 254). Jack displayed this by moving a couple of toy cars back and forth over and over again.