

  • Birth

    I borned in of Perinatology hospital.
    Usually i am relax.
  • Birth

    I borned in the Perinatology hospital.
    Usually, i am relax
  • First day in the kinder jarden

    First day in the kinder jarden
    I came in the school and i saw how other kids were cry because they didn't want went of the school
  • First day in primary school

    First day in primary school
    I don't very remem, but only remem that i hapiier and i always played with many friends.
    Too i remem that i changed of the school three times
  • First day in elementary school

    First day in elementary school
    I loved the elemenary school.
    I remem that i did intelligent and my teachers wanted me
  • My travel

    My travel
    I traveled a four countries, it's the most beautiful experience i have had. Sometimes i very remem i'm in the aeroport
  • France

    The first country that i met.
    It was the best of the life, i loved the food, the downtown city and the architecture.
  • Spain

    The second country.
    I walked through the streets, and i saw the attitude od the spanish people were with lots of energy going to parties
  • Italy and Germany

    Italy and Germany
    The last countries.
    I ate a lot, the food of these contries are very delicious, too i liked the architecture and the people was more serious
  • Frist COMIPEMS

    Frist COMIPEMS
    This was very sad, because i didn't stay in the school that i wanted.
    But i met a pesons very impotat for me
  • Second and special COMIPEMS

    Second and special COMIPEMS
    I remem that i was very happy.
    I cried for the hapiness, because now i stay in the better school, i love my school (ENP NO. 4)