My Autobiography

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born as the sixth child of my parents in Chilliwack, B.C.
  • My School Journey Began

    My School Journey Began
    Prior to starting kindergarten I had completed many workbooks with my mom because I wanted to learn how to read. When I saw how all my siblings learned in school, I was excited to start my learning journey by going to kindergarten.
  • Moving Day

    My family moved from Chilliwack, B.C. to Lacombe, Alberta because my dad got a new teaching job.
  • First Day in a New School

    I started in a new school where there were 24 students ranging from grades 4-9 in one classroom with one teacher.
  • Junior High Graduation

    I graduated Grade 9 from Genesis Protestant Reformed School
  • A New Education Journey

    I began my homeschooling journey through High School.
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    First Real Job

    I waitressed at Sherry’s Restaurant in Lacombe.
  • High School Completion

    I finished my high school studies.
  • My College Journey Begins

    My College Journey Begins
    I started going to college at Red Deer College aiming to attain my Bachelor of Education Degree.
  • Met my fiancé

    Met my fiancé
    I went to a church retreat in Banff and I met my fiancé. We started talking and soon after decided that we wanted to date eachother.
  • Next Job Opportunity

    I started to provide childcare services for a lady’s three children. I was excited for the opportunity to work with kids I wasn’t related to in order to learn more about how they think and act.
  • A Change in My College Studies

    A Change in My College Studies
    I was accepted into the Red Deer College/University of Alberta Middle Years Collaborative Program and began the Fall Term.
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    I completed my first practicum at Ecole Lacombe Junior High.
  • A Proposal

    A Proposal
    My fiancé proposed when I went to visit him in Wisconsin.