My Advertising Timeline

By arisk
  • Birth

    When I was born
  • Cabaage patch kids

    Cabaage patch kids
    I got my first Cabbage patch kid when I was 4 from my grandpa.
  • Smoky Bear

    Smoky Bear
    I remember these adds when watching cartoons. "Only you can prevent forest fires"
  • My Buddy

    I never had one of these dolls but sometimes I can not get the Jingle out of my head.
    Link text
  • "Do you know where your children are?"

    This was a public service annoucement on TV and radio. Though it is not advertising a product the repetition helped it stay in my mind.
  • Walkman

    I got my first walkman when I was in the 6th grade but remember wanting one for a long time Walkman
  • Diet Pepsi

    "You got the right one baby" Ray Charles did a series for Diet Pepsi. We did not drink it has a family but I remember his commercials and liking the songs.
  • Camel Cigarettes

    Camel Cigarettes
    I remember there being a big controversy about cigarette ads when I was a teenager. They were no longer allowed to have commercials but were still in teen magazines. camel
  • Beef it's whats for dinner

    I remember this coming on before watching the Cosby show with my family. Link text
  • Guess Jeans

    I wanted Guess Jeans as a kid, but they were too expensive for my family. I remembered thinking "All the cool kids have them" Guess Jeans
  • Budweiser

    From the superbowl. The frogs were really big for the next 5-6 years in their ads. I was underage and my parents did not like the beer but we like the commercials. three frogs
  • Viagra

    Viagra was approved in 1998 by the FDA and started advertising on TV about the little blue pills. This started more of a wave of pharmaceutical companies advertising on TV. Though no one in my family purchased it, it was a big talking point for who should be giving medical advice on medicines. Is it ethical for drug companies to advertise? Bob Dole

    An insurance company that had a really annoying ad that would get in your head. I never purchased but know of the company. They started running ads in 2000. AFLAC