
My adventure

  • My first years

    My first years
    I was born in San Pablo Sur of Bolivar where I lived my first eight years next to my mother and my entire maternal family, I studied in Maria Auxiliadora.
  • Living moments next to my maternal family

    Living moments next to my maternal family
    It was the first December that we spent as a family
  • New life Puerto Boyaca

    New life Puerto Boyaca
    They were more than my cousins, my mom was moved to Puerto Boyaca because there was new opportunity of work and i trip with she.
  • My childchood

    My childchood
    I was studied my primary in the galan
  • school transfer

    school transfer
    I did my baccalaureate in San Pedro school
  • birth of my brother

    birth of my brother
    my family we were only three until my brother was born
  • Period: to

    change of house, celebration of my fifteen years

    we were happy living in a neighborhood called the divino niño until my mom sold the house, and I bought a lot where I built the house to her taste in a neighborhood called afrojordan, where I turned fifteen, my mom was organizing a dinner in a restaurant called the tekal where the guests were just family
  • friends

    We were a very united group
  • graduation

    I was finishing my bachelor degree at san pedro where I graduated
  • Period: to

    my first job

    I did not have any sales experience but despite that, they gave me the opportunity to work as a commercial consultant where I worked for three years. the store was called MULTIELECTRO I was doing very well, but for personal reasons, resign, that year was born the most beautiful of my life my little sister martina
  • Period: to

    work cycles

    I worked with an advertising company for four months, then worked as a receptionist in a hotel, where I resigned for a better offer that was proposed to me there was something more stable.
  • new life

    new life
    I was in Bucaramanga looking for a better job offer, but I did not find anything and I returned to Puerto Boyaca.
  • wish

    many times I tried to register in the sena and it never happened I was presented with an offer where I had to give up my work to be able to study, the work I was in was stable but I preferred to study and I am currently studying